
From “Why We Worship the Way We Worship”:

(For info about practical logistics for Sunday morning, see Visit KCPC.)

“As God’s people, we are invited as a corporate covenantal community in Christ to hear and respond to the Word of God each Lord’s Day! What a privilege that we can experience in our worship together the demonstration of the Spirit and of power, as the Holy Spirit works through the means of grace that God has given to his people in order for them to grow and mature!

“God grows us through the Word and the worship, and so our service of worship, or liturgy, or the ‘why we worship the way we worship’ should attempt to be biblical both in form and content!

“At KCPC, may our faith be built up and biblically informed with regards to our liturgy and our worship as a corporate covenantal community in Christ, and may our faith rest not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God!”