
News and Upcoming Events–Lord willing!

Children’s Sunday School classes begin at 10:15 am. All children may be dropped off for opening music anytime after 10:05 so that parents are able to get to their class on time. 

Adult Sunday School begins at 10:15 am. Pastor Ben will be leading the study of A Hunger for God, chapter 6.

Morning Worship begins at 11:30am: Pastor Ben Franks will be preaching on “Stones of Remembrance” from Joshua 4:1-24. Here is a copy of the Order of Worship.

Young Adult & Visitors Lunch will resume in the fall.

There is no Evening Worship at the church on 3rd Sundays. Everyone is encouraged to participate in family worship at home or with friends.

Tuesday Prayer Meeting: join us from 12:00-12:30 pm each Tuesday via Zoom for corporate prayer!

Please continue to support the ministry of KCPC financially. You can mail a check to the PO Box, use your bank’s Bill Pay to send a check, or give online at (best option is direct from bank, and you can cover the small fee if you wish). Make sure to designate for Deacon or Building funds. Non-designated goes to the General Fund.