Question: What is the chief end of man?
Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify and enjoy Him forever.
Scripture memory:
 ESV Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
An explanation:
God made man specifically so that man could glorify and enjoy Him. This was man’s ‘chief end’ which means this was God’s goal for man. The goal for which He created man was so that man would bring glory to the Triune God and to be filled with joy in fellowship with Him.
We can see how far man has fallen from this ideal. How do we know something is faulty? A thing is faulty if that which it was designed to do, it does not do. Man is faulty; he is broken by sin. Mankind chose to live for self, and sinned against God, his only hope, and the only true fulfillment and rest for his soul. Man was created for God and man will never find rest and satisfaction until He rests in God, as our dear forefather Augustine taught us. How can we ever find the goal and satisfaction of our lives if we are so selfish and broken from sin?
God loved man so much that He sent Christ to redeem some of His creatures, His own Beloved Elect, to redeem them from the fall into sin, and to enable them by His grace to find His chief and, or main purpose in life! Christ lived a perfect life, finding in His life the true purpose for which man was created! No one else after the fall into sin had ever experienced such blessed living! Christ has come to free us from our slavery to self and to trying to find our purpose in this fallen world, so that we can find the true joy and delight of serving and worshiping God as He has designed us. Now we can live joyfully and fully in Him! He is our delight.
What a Savior!
A prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I was created to glorify and enjoy you, but I don’t do this as I should. Forgive me for Christ’s sake. What a privilege to be your child. Fill me with your Spirit so that I can better glorify you in all I do, and to be filled with your joy in the Lord Jesus! You are my portion (Psa. 73:23-28). Amen.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastors Biggs and Halley